
MRPDB 4-in-1 ESC for Gen.3 Racer

MRPDB V3, ESC 4-in-1

MRPDB V3 integrates high performance, multi-output BECs together with 4-in-1 ESC in a compact size of racing-spec PCB. With WEP2 stacking receptacles MRPDB V3 can have MindRacer Gen.3 FC directly mounted and works together seamlessly.

With industry leading performance. MRPDB V3 can accepts 3~6S battery, and allows 50A maximum current to driver high performance BLDC motors. This V3 PDB has one 5V output BEC, and one
selectable output high voltage BEC. These BECs can deliver up to 60W power in total to support more powerful and complicated on-board electronics.

AirMind's new generation MindRacer

MindRacer Gen.3

AirMind team brings new generation 3 of MindRacer to the market.

MindRacer Gen.3 is not just an upgrade of its previous version, but actually a brand new design of latest modularized architecture for racing drone. The Generation 3 architecture defines new WEP2 stacking interface, which brings out total 98 I/O signals in a very compact size of standard racing drone. This means far more comprehensive and flexible set of peripherals and combinations can be supported by Gen.3 architecture than anything before.

MindPX open source autopilot system

MindPX is a new generation autopilot system branched from Pixhawk, been revised in schematic and structure, and been further enhanced with new features to make un-manned vehicle more smart and more friendly to use.

Project MindPX is founded at Nov., 2014 by The whole idea of MindPX is it should be a flight platform that can meet the new requirements from the new generation smart drone product. In align with AirMind's vision, MindPX is running as an open source project from the very beginning.